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Godwin Junior School
Cranmer Road, Forest Gate, London, E7 0JW
Tel: 020 8534 7601



Reading Volunteers
We are fortunate to have members of our local community who come into school once a week to read with some of our children. This helps to develop the children’s ability to read, their confidence with reading, their comprehension skills so that they can explain what is happening in a story or predict what might happen next and promotes a love of reading for pleasure.
Cathy, who has been reading with our children this year, wanted to share her experience with you:
Many years ago, my local primary school appealed for adult helpers to listen to children read. Once a week I would pop round the front of the school, after seeing my own children in through the playground.
An hour of sitting listening to children read their reading book: children who, due to a variety of circumstances, did not have anyone to listen to them at home; children who stumbled through and just needed a patient, non-judgemental ear to let them make mistakes and learn to correct themselves; children who were growing in confidence and just needed the practice and encouragement to help them fly. It was an hour well spent – for them and for me. Volunteering is always good for mental health (especially when you are home based) and helping children can always bring a smile to your face.
I not only enjoyed it, it also allowed me to feel part of the school – always important when your own children spend so much time there. My children also directly benefitted – even now they still remember feeling proud that their mum was helping in the school (and the eldest is over 35!) and I think it helped the younger one settle in more happily.
The other benefit was – it gave me the confidence to change profession and work in schools myself! I became a mentor, then a TA and then took the plunge into university and teacher training – a career I loved!
I absolutely recommend that you give it a go – whether mum, dad, carer, grandparent or whoever. For not much outlay – perhaps just one hour a week – there is so much to gain … and to give!
The children really enjoy this activity and recognise the positive impact that it has on their reading. One of them recently wrote a thank you card to her volunteer which said, “Thank you for reading with me. I like reading to you. You make reading better.”
If you would like to volunteer to hear children read we would be delighted to welcome you into our school. Please contact our English Inclusion Leader, Ms Smith, for more information.
Godwin is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. We expect our volunteers to share this commitment. All reading volunteers are considered to be in Regulated Activity and so are subject to an enhanced DBS check.
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