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Each week parents and carers receive a newsletter keeping them informed about what is happening in school. These can be viewed by clicking on the links below.

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Friday 28th June 2024
Friday 21st June 2024
Friday 14th June 2024
Friday 7th June 2024
May 2024
Friday 24th May 2024
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March 2024
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Friday 8th March 2024
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February 2024
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Wednesday 20th December 2023
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May 2023
Friday 26th May 2023
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Friday 5th May 2023
Friday 5th May 2023 SEND Newsletter
April 2023
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March 2023
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Friday 24th March 2023
Friday 17th March 2023
Friday 10th March 2023
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February 2023
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December 2022
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Friday 18th November 2022
Friday 11th November 2022
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October 2022
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Friday 14th October 2022
Friday 7th October 2022
September 2022
Friday 30th September 2022
Friday 23rd September 2022
Friday 16th September 2022
Friday 9th September 2022
July 2022
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Friday 8th July 2022
Friday 1st July 2022
June 2022
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May 2022
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Friday 20th May 2022
Friday 13th May 2022
Friday 6th May 2022
April 2022
Friday 29th April 2022
Friday 22nd April 2022
Friday 1st April 2022
March 2022
Friday 25th March 2022
Friday 18th March 2022
Friday 11th March 2022
Friday 4th March 2022
February 2022
Friday 25th February 2022
Friday 11th February 2022
Friday 4th February 2022
January 2022
Friday 28th January 2022
Friday 21st January 2022
Friday 14th January 2022
Friday 7th January 2022
December 2021
Tuesday 21st December 2021
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Friday 3rd December 2021
November 2021
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Friday 19th November 2021
Friday 12th November 2021
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Friday 8th October 2021
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September 2021
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Friday 17th September 2021
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April 2021
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Friday 23rd April 2021
Thursday 1st April 2021
March 2021
Friday 26th March 2021
Friday 19th March 2021
Friday 12th March 2021
Friday 5th March 2021
February 2021
Friday 26th February 2021
Friday 12th February 2021
Friday 5th February 2021
January 2021
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Friday 22nd January 2021
Friday 15th January 2021
Friday 8th January 2021
December 2020
Friday 11th December 2020
Friday 4th December 2020
November 2020
Friday 27th November 2020
Friday 20th November 2020
Friday 13th November 2020
Friday 6th November 2020
October 2020
Friday 23rd October 2020
Friday 16th October 2020
Friday 9th October 2020
Friday 2nd October 2020
September 2020
Friday 25th September 2020
Friday 18th September 2020
Friday 11th September 2020


© 2015 by Godwin Junior School, Cranmer Road, Forest Gate, London, E7 0JW

Tel: 020 8534 7601   |   Email:

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