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Godwin Junior School
Cranmer Road, Forest Gate, London, E7 0JW
Tel: 020 8534 7601



Home Learning
In the event of school closure due to Covid-19, all learning will be set via Google Classroom.
We know that learning at home is not the same as learning at school.
In the event of school closure, we want to do everything that we can to help our families support their children with this.
Please click here to view our Remote Learning Plan.
Please click here to view our Remote Teaching and Learning Protocols.
Please click here to view Guidance on Remote Learning for Children.
Please click here to view Guidance on Remote Learning for Parents and Carers.
Please click here to view a daily planner which you can print and complete with your child.
Please click here for ideas on how to support your child read at home.
Please click here for questions you can ask your child when you are reading together.
Please click here to watch a pre-recorded workshop for Parents and Carers on using Google Classroom.
Please click here for guidance in community languages on how to use Google Classroom.
Every family is different.
Every child is different.
Every day is different.
We don't have all of the answers, but hope that these ideas will be useful:
Create a daily routine.
Children have a routine at school and respond well to this. You don't have to plan every detail of the day but plan key events.
Click here to watch a video for ideas.
Use a checklist.
Children like to know what they are aiming for and ticking off their targets.
Click here for a checklist you might want to print off or use to create your own.
Encourage your child to read.
Don't worry about what they are reading - books, comics, instructions, recipes - it doesn't matter!
Don't worry that it is 'too easy' for them - now, more than ever, children may seek comfort in familiar books.
Talk to your child about what they are reading - you don't have to have read it yourself.
Click here for top tips to support your child with reading at home.
Remember that learning opportunities are everywhere - not just in school work.
Help your child to think and talk about the world around them.
Plan to do some activities together - cooking, building a tent in the front room, collage, creating a sock puppet etc.
What skills can you teach your child (tieing shoelaces, card tricks, knitting)?
Click here for ideas about how to make everyday activities a learning experience.

All children have been allocated a username and password for Times Tables Rockstars
Please log in at

All children have been allocated a username and password for Mathletics.
Please log in at

In addition, in the event of periods of lockdown, teachers will provide daily learning activities via Google Classroom.
All children have been allocated a username and password to access this.
Please log in at
If you are experiencing problems accessing home learning, please read our Frequently Asked Questions below.
If you are continuing to have problems with this, please email with the nature of the problem.
We will get back to you as quickly as we possibly can to help resolve the problem you are experiencing.
How does my child log in to Google Classroom?
Go to and look at the top right corner of the screen. There should be a “Sign in” button if no one is currently logged in.
Click this button to log in.
If someone else is logged in to Google on that device, you will see a circle with a letter in it, or else a small circular picture. Please click this, and check to see who is logged in. If it is not your child’s name and school username that is shown in the popup, please click “Add another account.” You can then enter their login details.
If you share a computer as a family, you may need to remind children to click on this circle to swap between accounts throughout the day.
Why is my child's user name not recognised?
When signing in, please check that the username exactly matches what is written.
Your child’s username is 5 letters, then 3 numbers, then a dot, then There are no spaces.
For example:
Please check that zeroes have been typed accurately, and your child has not written the letter O by accident.
Please check that the number 1 hasn’t been typed, instead of the letter L.
To type the @ symbol on a normal keyboard, hold down the SHIFT key (the 'up' arrow on the left hand side) and tap the @ key.
Please check that full stops are all in the right place.
Why is my child's password not recognised?
Your child’s Google password is a word, then a number, then the word godwin. There are no spaces.
For example: morning2godwin.
Please check that the password is typed slowly and carefully in all lowercase letters, no capital letters.
Please check that the letter O has been typed accurately, and your child has not typed the number zero by accident.
Please check that the number 1 hasn’t been typed, instead of the letter L.
How do we find the work which has been set?
Once logged in, you must select your child’s classroom (e.g. 5Y 2020-21).
Then browse the Stream and Classwork pages. You can toggle between them at the top of the page.
Your child's work has been assigned here.
As well as these resources which the school has purchased for your child to use, there are lots of other fantastic, free websites which you can explore with your child:

CBBC's Operation Ouch is an educational children's science TV series. Hilarious twin doctors Chris and Xand and Dr Ronx explore the weirdest and most wonderful bits of medicine. From sneezes and snot to pimples and poo, nothing escapes their crazy experiments! Click here to see all episodes via BBC iPlayer.
Click here to watch the special episode on Viruses, in which the Doctors explore the science behind the current Coronavirus pandemic, answering all your questions along the way about why the outbreak occurred, what the virus does to your body, and how patients are being treated. Watching this with your child could be an excellent way to discuss the topic based on scientific fact rather than rumour.

This children's series celebrates inspirational and history-making figures from the past 200 years.
Click here to see the choice of programmes available

This is a series of fun history lessons for all the family, presented by Horrible Histories' Greg Jenner and broadcast on BBC Radio 4.
Full of facts and jokes, the series brings to life a broad range of historical topics. Each episode is only 15 minutes long, so there's no danger of getting bored!
Click here to see the choice of topics available.

CBBC presenters Dick and Dom learn about the geniuses whose ideas, creations and discoveries have shaped our world. Presented in a fun way, this is a fascinating series where adults watching with their children will learn lots too!
Click here to see episodes via BBC iPlayer.

Fran Scott meets brilliant young inventors from around the country and gets top tips on how to come up with a great invention. She tries out their genius inventions, including a swimsuit that mimics the skin of sharks and an automatic fire-extinguishing gadget that fits on to a kitchen tap.
Click here to watch via BBC iPlayer.

This website is free to register on. Children can search by subject or topic, discover facts, enter competitions and play games.
There is plenty of high-quality content to explore!
Click here to go straight to the website and click on 'download' once it opens.

First News is a UK newspaper aimed at seven to fourteen-year-olds. It is published in a full colour format every week and aims to present current events and politics in a child-friendly format, alongside news on entertainment, sport and computer games.
Whilst Godwin is closed, our pupils can read it online.

Genius-hunters Dick and Dom are back on the road with a new quest to go head to head with the world’s most fantastical feats of engineering. From sky-scraping buildings and mammoth tunnels, to hair-raising roller coasters, they’ve all got one thing in common: they're works of Absolute Genius!
Click here to watch the series on BBC iPlayer.

The Field Studies Council wants to create a world where everyone feels connected to the environment so they can enjoy the benefits it gives and make choices that help to protect it.
Their Fieldworklive sessions are free lessons recorded in spring 2020, giving all children the valuable opportunity to take part in real fieldwork around the UK. These will build pupils’ geographical and scientific enquiry skills in a range of inspiring locations.

Let's Learn Energy aims to inspire young people to create a sustainable future for all. Through fun experiment, tasks and challenges they want to increase children's awareness and understanding through developing their curiosity.
Click here to view the activities.

Busy Things is a collection of educational games and activities which are linked to the curriculum to help children learn in a fun way.
Godwin children have free access to Busy Things.
Go to: (or click here)
Click "Normal USO Login"
The USO is the same as the first part of the Google login, before @ sign (e.g. asdfg002.316)
The password is the Google password without the word 'godwin' (e.g. morning2)

BBC Bitesize is a free online study support resource designed to help with learning, revision and homework. It provides support for learners across a wide range of school subjects and also supports children's wellbeing.
Click here to go to the website.
During the current school closure, the BBC is creating additional resources which are being broadcast every day.
Click here to see this week's timetable.
Click here to see all 'Lockdown Learning' resources via BBC iPlayer.
An active body leads to an active mind! Start each day with a workout that will help your child focus more easily on their learning. This is also a great opportunity for adults to limber up for the day ahead too!
Click here to access free routines.

Everyone loves listening to a story and listening to an audio book is the perfect opportunity to spend some time doing exactly that. Research shows that reading widely enriches a person's vocabulary, extends their awareness of a variety of sentence structures, fuels their imagination, delivers insights into places they have never visited, provides a host of new information and suggests ideas for future storylines.
A number of authors and publishers have made audiobooks available for free.
Click here to listen to David Walliams read a different one of his stories every day.
Click here to go to Storynory for a variety of story types.
Click here to go to Audible for stories in a number of languages.

BBC Teach Live Lessons contains thousands of free, curriculum-mapped videos, arranged by age-group and subject. They cover a wide range of areas including a Doctor Who-themed science lesson.
Click here to watch a Live Lesson on a topic of your choice.
Click here to choose a curriculum area to find out more about.

The Daily Mile is simple and free and gets children outside for fifteen minutes every day to run or jog, at their own pace, making them fitter, healthier, and more able to concentrate
on their learning.
During periods of school closure children still needing to keep healthy – The #DailyMileAtHome has been launched as an easy and fun way to keep fit and maintain good health and wellbeing for all the family.
Click here to find out more

Science+Nature is a monthly magazine, jam-packed with amazing information, inspiring stories, mind-blowing facts, incredible pictures and fun activities — designed to spark curiosity and ignite a passion for discovery.
During periods of school closure Godwin pupils can read it online.

During periods of school closure, Chester Zoo broadcast a live virtual tour, showing different animals each week. Watching these is a great way to find out a host of facts about familiar animals and also discover ones you may never have heard of or seen before! With over 35,000 animals on site there something for everyone!
Click here to see the next virtual tour and access previous ones.
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