Godwin Junior School
Cranmer Road, Forest Gate, London, E7 0JW
Email: info@godwin.newham.sch.uk
Tel: 020 8534 7601



At Godwin Junior School we are proud to provide our children with a curriculum which fosters their curiosity, instils in them a love of learning and provides a wide range of enriching experiences to help them discover what excites them and develops their talents. Through providing specialist teachers in a wide range of areas, including gardening, chess, French, art, music, computing and design technology, we ensure that pupils have a high-quality experience across the entire curriculum.
In order to prepare our pupils for lifelong success, our curriculum aims to equip each of them with the knowledge, confidence, skills, articulacy and empathy that will allow them to have rich, fulfilled lives. The bespoke integrated curriculum which we have created closely links subjects in order to maximise opportunities to reinforce new understanding, concepts and vocabulary. Through this approach our pupils are able to consolidate and apply their learning across the curriculum. Our Curriculum Newsletters, which are shared with parents and carers each half term, give an overview of what each year group is learning and how subjects are related to one another. Please click here to see these.
Throughout our curriculum we make explicit links to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Sustainable Development Goals - opening our children's minds in order to develop responsible global citizens who understand the impact of their actions and positively shape the future.
Our curriculum is inclusive of all and takes into consideration the needs of each of our children. We tailor its content and delivery to the needs of the pupils so that it is accessible, stimulating, relevant and engaging for all. Through our entire curriculum, we foster a deep appreciation and recognition of difference. In order to promote equality and the inclusion of all, regardless of the protected characteristics, our diverse curriculum represents practices, traditions, customs and beliefs from outside the school community as well as within. This is in line with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014.
Godwin children are immersed in a curriculum which teaches the achievements of all cultures and celebrates our rich, diverse world. Through promoting the contributions of all, we aim to ensure that genuine respect, as well as aspiration, is nurtured. We aim for our children to see themselves in the role models which our curriculum highlights and thus we expect all to aspire to be the very best version of themselves. ‘Aspire to be, don’t just admire from afar’ is a sentiment we wish to genuinely ingrain by virtue of our inclusive and encompassing curriculum.
If you would like more information about any aspect of our school curriculum please speak to Ms Aslam, the Deputy Head, or Ms Brown, the Head Teacher.
Click here to read our English Curriculum Statement
Click here to read our Maths Curriculum Statement
Click here to read our Science Curriculum Statement
Click here to read our Computing Curriculum Statement
Click here to read our History Curriculum Statement
Click here to read our Geography Curriculum Statement
Religious Education
Click here to read our Religious Education Curriculum Statement
Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE)
Click here to read our PSHE Curriculum Statement
In order to share with parents and carers the content of our summer term 'Changing Me' PSHE curriculum in Years 4, 5 and 6, we have recorded information videos. We hope that these are useful for our parents and carers.
Please click below to access the recording of each session.
Year 4 Relationships and Health Education resource sharing parent/carer session
Year 5 Relationships and Health Education resource sharing parent/carer session
Year 6 Relationships, Sex and Health Education resource sharing parent/carer session
Health and Well-Being
Click here to read our Pupils' Health and Wellbeing Intent Statement
Click here to read our Oracy Curriculum Intent Statement
Art and Design
Click here to read our Art and Design Curriculum Intent Statement
Design Technology
Click here to read our Design and Technology Curriculum Intent Statement
Physical Education
Click here to read our PE Curriculum Intent Statement
Foreign Language - French
Children at Godwin enjoy weekly French lessons with a native speaker. Lessons focus on developing children's confidence in listening, speaking and responding to conversational French through songs, games and activities. During their time at our school, pupils acquire vocabulary that is used in everyday life in French-speaking countries, are able to conduct simple conversations - asking and answering questions with increasing fluency, whilst continually improving the accuracy of their pronunciation and intonation.
Global Citizenship
Helping young people to become active Global Citizens is at the core of Godwin's ethos. Our Unicef Gold Award, as a Rights Respecting School, is recognition of the links we make between global issues, rights and our curriculum. Further, the discussions in our Philosophy for Children (P4C) sessions and assemblies allow for opportunities for our pupils to explore themes such as poverty or the right to an education in greater depth. We believe that our focus on global citizenship themes will help our students to develop their moral compass, become more confident in standing up for their beliefs and more skilled in evaluating the ethics and impact of their decisions. Every child at Godwin learns about themselves as members of a community, with rights to uphold and promote as well as notions such as democracy, equality, equity, fairness and dignity; thus we provide an education that fosters respect for others and the environment.
In Music, we encourage the children to develop an appreciation of all types of music by creating an awareness of rhythm and melody and by enjoying making music. All children benefit from weekly lessons from a specialist music teacher, learning to play ukulele, guitar, glockenspiel and xylophone during their time at Godwin. We are proud to have a successful school choir who are asked to perform at a range of events.