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Godwin Junior School
Cranmer Road, Forest Gate, London, E7 0JW
Tel: 020 8534 7601



First Aid and Medical Information
We always have a large number of qualified first aiders on site to support pupils or staff if they become unwell or have an accident on site.
In the event of a child becoming ill or having an accident, we will contact parents/carers by telephone or a note will be sent home, depending on the nature of the illness. We ask families to assist the school by keeping us up to date with any changes of address or telephone number.
If a child is required to take medication of any sort during the day, it must be discussed with the lead first aider. Older children on regular medication, e.g. inhalers, will be encouraged to take responsibility for their own well-being, as part of independence training. For non-regular medication, only medicines that have been prescribed by a doctor and are clearly labelled with the child's name will be administered.
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