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Godwin Junior School
Cranmer Road, Forest Gate, London, E7 0JW
Tel: 020 8534 7601



Click here to view our welcome tour
Godwin Junior School is a successful, four-form entry junior school in Forest Gate, Newham. We serve a vibrant and diverse community, where excellent relationships promote a high-quality, inclusive and supportive learning environment in which our children feel safe and valued.
Central to the ethos and vision of our school is the belief that every child can achieve well and that it is our purpose to prepare our children for lifelong success. Our pupils are well-motivated and enjoy actively participating in their learning; our staff are dedicated to ensuring that each of them has access to the best possible standard of education in order to ensure excellent learning outcomes across the curriculum. Our professional learning for staff, through organisations such as Education 4 Change, provides opportunities for us to reflect on how we can ensure high expectations of all of our pupils and equip them to overcome real and perceived barriers.
We are committed to developing the whole child, including supporting our pupils to develop the Learning Powers and skills, as well as acquire the knowledge and understanding, which will enable them to be successful, to have access to wider opportunities and to be able to make informed choices about important aspects in their lives.
In addition to focussing on strong academic results, we also help our pupils to explore and develop their artistic, drama, musical, debating and sporting talents. The opportunities outside of the National Curriculum, such as chess and gardening, which we provide within our school day demonstrate that we want all of our children to participate in a range of experiences so that they can discover what excites them and they feel they can excel at. Godwin children are also keen to take part in after-school clubs such as drama, guitar, art, chess, cricket, Lego construction, dodgeball, football, gymnastics, chess, debating, pottery, Maths homework club, film club and choir.
Our Gold UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools status demonstrates our commitment to global citizenship in the school’s ethos, curriculum and after-school clubs and the fact that our pupils are aware of the rights to which all children are entitled. Godwin's active School Council provides a real opportunity for pupils to have meaningful input into numerous aspects of school life. Our Philosophy for Children sessions and emphasis on developing Learning Powers are further examples of our aim to encourage our children to be critical thinkers who truly believe, "I never lose. I either win or learn." (Nelson Mandela)
We are proud of our strong links with other infant, junior, primary and secondary schools through our partnership in Newham Learning and are part of a close-knit and supportive soft federation of schools: the Newham North Learning Partnership, which includes Kay Rowe Nursery School and Children's Centre, Odessa Infant School, Park Primary School. Sandringham Primary School, William Davies Primary School and Woodgrange Infant School. In addition, we work closely with our local outstanding secondary school, Forest Gate Community School, utilising their facilities and expertise to benefit our pupils.
We very much look forward to meeting you in the near future so that you can see what a great experience it is to be a pupil at our school.
Sine Brown
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